Scott is coming tomorrow yay yay yay ....and i have no doubt that he won't .... i can't wait just to huggles with him again ^_^ i miss sooooo much btw that pic up there is of me and my cousin not me and scott i wish i had a pic of him on here though ...i can't wait i can't wait i can't wait ... We got our electricity back on yesterday Jessica already went home but i couldn't get a hold of my grandma to tell her i am still at George's .... i wonder if i can get new clothes before Scott comes because i want to look really nice for him ....just thinking about kissing him again gives me the tingles ......^_^ i'm soo happy i can't wait i can't wait .....i wonder what we are doing tomorrow though i know it's going to be me and Scott (^_^ Yay) and Jessica and Jeff and George has to go to her dad's but i still don't know what we are going to do ...... maybe movies, star gazing, walking by the river maybe.... i have no clue ^_^well i'm going to go before i get people sick with all my happiness BYES LOVE TO ALL