Not Private

My other diary isn't private any more ....since no one is bugging me or pissing me off i have no reason to have it on private's been an awful night ...wanna know ..look at my other diary
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HEY! :)
No... thought I was.... but no
no, I haven't heard from her in forever.
hmm I doubt I think he's been stuck up kara's ass.... but that might be the reason she's upset
yeah he's stupid.... no not jessie....kara hanging out with matt..... wow that's messed up
wow are you serious... I tired to call jessie the other day but her dad said she was at work.
I know Matt's not capible of taking care of anyone... Her dad would kill her before doing that
yupp yupp..... But she would always be at jamies..... I have to get going though... we rented white noise... even though
i already seen it....sorry bout that computer messed up.... call if you need anything.