Both Written By Me.
Empty Dream's:
I walk alone on this lost street of empty dreams,
Watching my life passing by,
Tears of Shame appear within these hazel eyes,
Rolling down my cheek where will they go to next?
Maybe fall onto these bleeding wrists,
As I hold out and tightly gripping the razors with my fists,
Blood seems to fall out of my hands,
Just like my life,
This empty dream has me on my knees,
My head down with these clear tears,
Forming puddles on this lonely street of empty dreams,
Life passes by within a blink of your eyes,
A flashback will leave you speechless,
Asking yourself “Why was I like this?â€
“How could I change this?â€
It’s to late for me anyways,
I’m drowning in my tears along with a mix of blood,
Wiping my tears away leaves blood on my face,
This blood seems to replace these tears,
Forming Ruby puddles of Shame on this lost street,
I’m doing this for you so this better make you smile,
I’m doing you a favor so you will never be hurt again,
I’ll leave you with not a soul by your side.
Fake As I Fall:
The Top of The Highest Buildin' in This Small City,
I Leap and Pray, You'll Be There At The Bottem To Stop My Fall,
Fallin' Farther, The Sky is Movin' to Fast For Me,
Try Catchin' Me Just Once More,
Please I Beg You As My Heart Skips A Few More Beats,
I hope Your Arms Are Out, Waitin' For Me To Fall Into Your Eyes,
Please Don't Step Out Of The Way, I'm Almost There,
Fake As I Fall, Past Your Arms Like I'm Invisible,
As I Fall, The Fake Image You All See Shatters As it Hits The Pavement,
Pick Me Up Piece By Piece, Put Me Together And Make Me Perfect,
Make Me A New Image, I'm Sick of Bein' Fake,
No One But You Can Have Me, I'm All yours, I Wont Lie To You,
I Wont Let You Forget About Me, This Image Means To Much To You,
Please I'm Screamin', Make Me A New Image, I'm Sick of Bein' Fake,
I Plead, Please Save Me, Fake As I Fall.