Listening to: Boys Night Out - I Got Punched In The Nose For..
Feeling: amused
New Computer Desk: $130
New Computer Chair: $90
5.1 Computer Speakers: $55
24 Pack of Mountian Dew: $6.99
Inviting Friends Over, They Bring Bottles Bacardi, and Listening To Really Loud Music: Priceless :)
Bacardi + Mountian Dew = Gods Drink
FUCK YEAH hahahaha
Well tomorrow getting my senior pictures done.. I don't know what I'm going to wear or doo with my hair hehe im such a Girl ;)
Summer School sucksss but w.e.. Meet TONS of new people soo its all goood Holla hahaha GANGSTA!!
Uhhh I'm 18 years old and I'm affraid of driving.. Help ME!!
It's all about the song in my head,
The one where the audience is all DEAD.
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