
Listening to: None
Feeling: accomplished
Just got back inside from talking with Traci, and making her feel better, like i always seem to do for her. It's about 11pm and im freezing, cuz I didnt put on a hoodie cuz im a moron but w.e. She tryed to keep me warm but, its all good. I'll always be here for you Traci, no matter what. Love Ya. Well today was a better day i guess... kinda stoped thinking about alot of stuff and just started to get over some stuff. I'm proud of myself honestly. Gotta work tomorrow 5-930pm and same with Wed. and Fri. Then i work Sat. 11am-730pm i think?? i gotta check that last one. Well on thursday im going to the movies with Jordan K. to go see Saw II and Doom. Ohh man cant wait. Then back to endwell and i think tony will let me crash at his house, i hope. Same thing with friday night but maybe ill just go home?? I dont know yet. Well im out its late good night. Ohh and another thing i got my computer running perfectly fine now. Now running Windows XP Professional x64 Edition.
Haven't You Heard?! That I'm The New Cancer?! I've Never Looked Better, And You Can't Stand It!!
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:) hahah hey love, welljust thought i would leave you a commentto brighten your day :) Smiles are the best thing inlife... next to sex duh hahahahah... Well i shall talk to you later.. love ya muchly....;)

FrIdAy ;)
so its wednesday..i saw you in the mall today..
