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Feeling: hip
Yeah chilling at Brittany's and its like 11:14pm haha yeah dude work was INSANE today omg hahah Black Friday's suck hahaha well it was a good day tons of great laughs at work and with dan and his gf also with Tony, Britt and April. Yeah got to see april forr 20 mins today hhaha it was good. Shes awesome.
Well tonight at tony's prolly gunna play his X-Box and chill hahah nothing else to do ya know? OO and ill prolly drink a few beer's muahha. I know i should stop drinking so much but for now what ever.
Hmm. what else can i talk about?? uhhh Yeah me and April need to hang out sometime soon damn it but were both busy working and shit soo... haha were the fuck is my MD?? shit brb haha
Yay i found it hahha im so dumb. Hmm. well i guess thats all for noww ohh yeah.. i gotta wake up at 8am tomorrow for my Manager to pick me up for work tomorrow hah damn itt roarrr well shit uhhh yeah im done now hahha byee.
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