Almost Passin' Out...

Feeling: misplaced
Well good nite crashin at Joe's. Me n Ryan had a serious convo on the way back from the Mobile. We Deff. Think Alike.. Today.. Been jumpin' on Joe's trampolin all day.. My heart started to race and I couldn't breath.. I got off n layed on the ground in the shade.. I felt my whole body go limp.. But i knew i had to sit up.. so i did. Scary shit, when you feel your haart racein' really fast, then it takes pauses. Think About That. Sittin' Home Now.. I'll Rite More Later... Bye.
Read 9 comments
hmm soo...hows your heart lately?
hey! check out my new lyrics diary where you can request a song for me to put up the lyrics for ya. check it out! please and thankyou! :-)
you and ryan think alike about me being amazing* right right ;)

danika-who else?
u did not almost die.
yeah well i think you should not take that med. ne more... its makeing you really sick... please stop taking it..

where the hell is kara coming from?

hahah danika... i imed you you sluttt... hahahha

Start a trend Be A whore...w00tw00t

*kara Anne*
Dan, why dont you stop breaking every girls heart and being such a manwhore about everything & leaving mean comments on your ex's journals. Ok? thanks
hey that sounds good. Bitches talk to much. So get over the drama!