Well, I went to Honesdale today. FUN. Oh, my hair, I got it layered. (Which is a first.) And I can't really explain it...cos I have the biggest problem explaining easy-to-explain things. Then after my hair, mum & I went to Walmart...and got some stuff. And I now have a straightener!!! WOWZERS! I've never had/used one in my life. (Cos I have straight hair and didn't know people with straight hair use straighteners. And cos I never spend more than like 3 seconds on my hair.) Anywhos, I like it a whole bunch. Once I get good at using a straightener, I'll probably go shorter. But, that'll take a while. Gohd, I wanna change soooo badly. But, I do like my emo/punk/skater image. I've been thinking to sorta start wearing preppy brands....cos like, fuck brands. It's only clothes. But, my friends would never accept me. But, I'm trying to find myself. And that's all that counts. Yeah, I won't get accepted at my school. At all. They're all racist or predjudice. And don't accept people that are different from others. Like, 80 to 90 percent of the school is preps and jocks. Then you got skaters, punks, goths, hippies, geeks, and the emo kids. And then preps start shit with the 10 to 20 percent of people that aren't like them. My school needs to grow up...so much. Yeah, I know I couldn't make preppy friends. They've already gotten use to my image from freshman year. They don't like me. I don't like them. Plain and simple. Yet, I still think it'd be cool....to be...differenter than I am right now.
Read 3 comments
hehe, you're in luck. im in the middle of writing a story along similar lines its at another one of m diaries [fallingforever]
my school is the same way. i'm so over all the groups but i guess that's just highschool & once your done you'll never have to see those people again. lol that's the way i look at it.
anyways cute diary :o)
i just got my diary pimped come chek it out