Listening to: soty - -and the hero will drown- -
Feeling: annoyed
hey guys...what's goin on? well yes it is 11:25 pm on mother's day you have a present for your mom??? i do...i bought her a plastic lounge chair for $'s really nice!!!
well anyway, my dad brought me home at like 6:33 and it was just awesome to be home. whenever i am my dad's house, i just am not comfortable...i am just not myself and that's why i don't like being there. for some odd reason, my step-mom was sitting in my room trying to figure out why i was watching skateboarding. she's like "so you are a skateboard chic?" and i thought what the hell kinda question is's just gay!!! and for some reason, they think that if i am not talking to them or if i am not with them for a second that something is wrong and they try to pull crap like buy crap for me, buy me stuff in return for my it pisses me off!!!
ok...well that's what's been going on!! i am going to go...oh and i thank anyone that tried to tell me how to do the pic thing...i gave up...oh well...thankx anyway...
Your diary entries are interesting.
no sir. I don't lie.
so do pop punk and emo
i dnt care if i get bad comment bak