
Listening to: nfg....full of doubt
Feeling: lost
hello all... well have you seen spider-man 2 yet? well if you haven't and you liked the first spider-man, then i suggest that you go and see it. yeah..well i am going to go b.c i don't really have anything else to talk about. have fun on july 4, that's tomorrow. don't do anything too stupid with fireworks or fire!!!
Read 5 comments
haha ima do some stupid shit wit fireworks 2night...

my dad bought real fireworks and set them off in the middle of the road..i wasnt there was
heh beji and cahs aww so cute. well cool diary. im so very bored so i shall post. erm, have you seen gc live? i once did but im not relally a fand ok you dont care so i shall stop bye
u write a whole entry just to tell me to see spider man 2
Yeah it does suck