highlights of my day...

Listening to: complicated...gc
Feeling: lovely
well today was a boring day...all i did was watched tv and movies ALL day long, which nothings wrong with that, but still you look back a notice that you haven't accomplished anything...oh well!! benji and joel were on punk'd tonight and that was the highlight of my day...benji is soo funny, thinking he is all tough when really he wouldn't hurt a fly...i love him though.. well i am going to go now....bye
Read 42 comments
... gc sucks
uh that's cool... guy on the top left has too many lip piercings

party on!
he's just more msn than most can handle... there's a naked woman in that picture but i cut her out

party on!
specially when theyre about hot guys.. HAHA
roCK.. dana
lol its alrite ... hope ur ok xx
yea I kno it is lol and today's gonna b just like yesterday!!!!! lol my summer is soo boring so far but it's WAY better than school
yeah 6 flags is an amusment park sorta thing.. its HUGH! and theres like all kinds of rides a shit there.. you've never heard of one?
Hey thanks, i usually write better when i'm depressed, i haven't written any good ones for ages, which is a good thing i guess lol, there are only a few i like but people say there all good who am i to argue, lol, do you write?, RickyT
thanx for the advice.. i didnt take it in a bad way and i appreciate it.. weve been able to spend more time lately so i havnt been soo damn obsessed.. lol well thanx
i know 6000 is alot of money i will have to sell my body :) i mean :(
hellz yah they are! lol
man i swear you got ALL THE COMMENTS goin' on here!! geez you pimp...just keep yer fly zip!
there is no need for apologies ma'am, i am simply stating the point which actually fell short for you, how is death of ones body a bad thing when it is inevitable why not enjoy it, alas i will not altar your views or im to lazy to try either way good luck and nice diary
i dunno what i'm going to do

your diary is awesome..i <3 benji!

I'm not proud of what I do. If you don't fucking like it don't look at my journal. My journal is for people who understand and care unlike you!--
ok bitch. all i have to say is fuck you bc if u had to put up with shit like me and my friend does ur ass would cut to so dont bitch at someone...and if u have anything to say to me look under my user info and i will be more than glad to talk to u in person not comments
ah yes good charlottle and new found glory
the worlds biggest embaressments
ha ha youre so fucking lame, you talk about benji and joel as if you actually fucking are friends with them. little girl, you need to get a life. i dont know who the fuck you think you are but apparently you like to leave stupid comments on peoples diaries. youre very young and really should watch yourself, youre not tough, youre not a hard ass. the fact you listen to shit music like gc and nfg proves it... grow up.
I like your diary he makes it pretty :) -Elizabeth
geez the people on here are so stupid....they don't understand how unbelievably hot benji is. i love benji!!!! i'm obsessed with him. i've seen them twice.

well later
well it wasn't me you said anything to it was my friend and IM sorry bc i was fucked that night anyways and my friend aint really trying to get better so yea...
thats kewl.. im not to sure y u said what u did in my diary Hehe... Well then
sure do.

Thankss fer all the comments.. Nice to meet u two ;).. Ur diary is soo cute, i love benji, what a quinky dink :).. LoL..

we can have joint custody over it. you have it on those day and i'll have it on those days -points to the calendar but never makes a clear answer on which days- ^_^ hehe. me = dork
it is

but not when you get caught
well doesnt that suck!! you didnt accomplish anything...too bad
awesome! the yellowcard cd is really good.
what sux? my story?
hehehe. do you have aim or msn?
Thanks, short and sweet i like it, RickyT
=) thanks!
its my nickname too =)

"some girls are crazy" i believe is part of an NFG song.

Thanx for your comment. i really am trying to be happy. its just sometimes i dont kno what to do well i g2g bye
why do i talk funny?
i havent heard it. but i have 4 of their other CDs.
Wow u really shuld no wat staying in shape means u gotta be physicly fit lol
hello, you commented on my journal and i dont understand please leave a reply, thank you
ah thankyou now i understand, yes gargles are good and i was very stoned at the time...way to much so to express myself
very nice!!!!! sounds sorta like my day except i was on the inet all day lol
drugs,ah yes i mean famine, terrorism, political greed, money ymongering, a decaying social system, inadequate healthcare, suicide, abortion, forced religion, beaitngs, WAR, guns, explosions, suicide bombings, fistfights, constant compulsionary lying in our highest political standings...you worry about two guys smoking pot in a basement? i pitty you,and i hope natural selection picks off your children, on that note i semi enjoy your diary goodbye
man...who doesn't like sleep?? sleep is goood... except in the summer when you can stay up as late as you want.... but its good if your tired.... lol i dunno what im saying.... IM TIRED!!!!
roCK.. dana