some sayings to think about.

Listening to: shut up - simple plan
Feeling: tickled
do you guys believe in the saying "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer." i mean, why would you want to do that? my mom and jimmie said that it is b.c you want to make sure they aren't scemeing something on you or planning a revengeful fight. i don't know...if they are my enemy then it is for a good reason, so i don't really want to be any part of their life. i don't know...i need so help on this one... and what about "sounds like i'm preaching the choir". that's a saying that's in nfg's song 'doubt full'. isn't that just a cool saying in general. it just seems like the cool thing to say! is that weird. and the saying that is better then all the rest of them is of course "after silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressable is music"...that said by aldous huxley. isn't it so true. music means the world to me and this really helps expressing it. i thank mr. huxley for this one...nice going man! you rock! thanks for riding on the train of chelsea's thought. i hope you enjoyed the trip.
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i dont know either....enemieis are bad.but yes those are good things to say,even to your enemies
I think,you always know what your friends are thinking BUT you don't know what your enemies are thinking.IS someone your enemy because of something they said or did?Why did they do it?Did you ever stop to try to think about their incentive?I'm sure they didn't mean to be vicious.It could be a bad day or a bad life,but does that mean you shouldn't show compassion?Get inside their heads,you catch more flies with honey than with vinager. --lauren
yes it is.its my dream kichen watercolor and all. i picture me eating watercolors cookies and drinking green watercolored tea.
haha well I guess it is.

I definitely believe in teh keep your enemies close theory. Because If youve got them under your finger at all times, as soon as they jump up to gouge your eyes out you have but to simply squish them.

amen. hah
I know! I was gonna be all poetic and maybe even use a Rubiyat or Haiku Poetry format but then...I figured I shouldnt appear more intelligent then I truly am.. for fear that others may expect it of me more often.
exactly. And then you would have said to yourself.. If I dont understand it..she must be genius!
Aldous Hukley genius or insane? Did you read Brave New World? That book is so odd. Way to be afraid!
Imagination rules the world