uh...i have nothing better to do...

Feeling: eh
i have nothing better to do, so i will do this quiz. my sister did it and i think it's cool... 1) Spell out your name using bands/singers. Coby dick Hawthorne heights Everclear... Lost prophets Simple plan Elvis Adam sandler 2) have you ever had a song written about you? no 3) what songs make you cry? change - good charlotte ...there are other ones...but that's the one i have listened to recently. 4) what song makes you happy? ocean avenue - yellowcard 5) what do you like to listen to before bed? normally...uhh...something that clams me and a song that reflects how my day was... 6) height: 5'1 1/2" 7) hair color: brown 8) eye color: hazel 11) tattoos: no...but i want a star...i will never get it though r i g h t n o w 12) what color pants are you wearing?: grey shorts 13) what song are you listening to?: cemetery drive - my chemical romance 14) what taste is in your mouth?: chips 15) what's the weather like?: bleh... 16) how are you?: good...i want to shower though... 17) are you talking online: i am on, but no one else is... 18) have a bad habit?: uhh...i hit people...and i over-react... 19) get along with your parents?: let's just say yes...most of the time... f a v o r i t e s 20) tv show: meet the barkers 21) conditioner: something that smells good 22) book: i don't have a favorite... 23) restaurant: friday's 24) food: mexican 25) thing to do on the weekend: watch music videos or listen to music... 26) Male singer: (or band) oh man...there are soo many. i will go with the one that will never fail me...blink 182 27) Female Singer: kelly clarkson l a s t 28) Person you Hugged: joey 29) Person you talked to in person: bethany 30) Thing you drank: coke 31) Person who imed you: megan 32) Person you imed: megan 33)Person who called you: jimmie 34) Person you called: the mama... r a n d o m 35) do you have a job: yes 36) your cd player has in it right now: the extra cd that came with the sticks and stones cd... 37) if you were a crayon what color would you be?: green 38) what makes you happy: music 39) what's the next cd you're gonna get: fall out boy or re-buy the live blink cd
Read 6 comments
hey. that quiz is kool...where'd you get it?
nice quiz lol and no i didnt delete ur comment i deleted the whole entry cuz i kinda repeated it in my new one lol
lol i dont hate you! you hav to do something really evil to me to get me to hate u lol
keep leaving me comments!
lol i like to feel loved
HEY i pressed random and i got to your diary!! SWEET!!!!
i believe it is moby dick! not coby dick... I MADE A NEW FRIEND!! her name is stella.
help me...please