march 14th 2008
friday 3:14 pm
Over the past few days I have been trying to think of what I want. I recently bought a new digital camera and am very pleased with my purchase. Hi, 2008, I am no longer stuck back in digital year 2003! I hadn't really been meaning to update because I didn't think it was necessary since my old camera still worked to some degree. I caved in when I remembered that a relative gave me a gift card for x-mas to an over-priced electronic store. It took a long, long time for me to decide which one I actually wanted. After noticing that the pros by far outweighed the cons the camera was in my shopping cart. I didn't really want a new camera, but I think that it was well worth it.
I kind of want a rabbit. I've never owned one, but was looking up information online. I think I want a Dutch rabbit because they are a semi-small breed and I have read positive things about them. I even stumbled upon a cute Japanese rabbit named Oolong (fitting!), pictured above, who got famous by balancing objects on his head. Items like bean cakes, teacups, vegetables, stuffed animals, etc. I'm pretty sure I won't be doing anything like that if I decide to get a rabbit. I don't even think I will be able to get one any time soon since I own a little dog named Tai. Even though he was okay meeting my friend's cat I don't think he is accustomed to other "creatures" like rabbits :(
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