"You might not be his first, his last, or his only. He's cared about someone else before and possibly will again, but if he cares for you now, what else matters? He's not perfect, and you aren't either. The two of you will never be perfect together, but if he can make you laugh atleast once, hold onto him and give him the most you can. He is probably not going to quote poetry, he might not be thinking about you every second of the day, but he will give you a part of him that he knows you can break. So don't hurt him, don't change him, and don't expect more then he can give. Don't over-analyze. Smile when he makes you happy, yell when he makes you mad, and miss him when he's gone"
Sometimes, during a perfect night. If you go out side and lay on something. ie: a table, or chair. Turn your self updide down so that everything around you seems to be dangling off of the ground. Then look at the sky, and it seems like an ocean. And you might be tricked for a moment, to think that if gavity ever gave, you'd fall into that dark sea. But only on a perfect night, can this happen.
Tonights not a perfect night. Tomorrow wont be either. Not until your here with me, to see the world turned upside down.
P.s. Sarah is a minature sarcastic buddah.