
Listening to: ei- nelly
Feeling: blah
I'm sitting in Henderson with Matt on my head GET OFF OF MY HEAD!!!! and I'm talking to Erika on IM... Jeff and Scott are supposed to come in tonight.. but I don't see that happening... not like I'm even there to care really! umm.. yea... sorry haven't typed in a while went on vacation to Florida and when I got back I was grounded so SUCKS TO BE ME!! but dont' really got much to say Erika got her permit go her!! so love ya muches! Love a.a.f. Keska Lynn B.O.T.D.- florida
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They might how do you know !!!!!!!!!!!!! they probalby won't but i hope i hope i hope they do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Grr i could figure they wouldn't come ....but but you said you were and you didn't DAMN YOU !.......I hate Matt !