lmao i went 2 state fair 2day it was fun i went wit my momma and lil bro and i was posed 2 meet caro up thurr but we neva found each otha LOL she was like im wearin green and only if 80 million otha ppl didnt hav on green we wudda ben good lol but yea i was like nooooooooo then i didnt hav access 2 a cell 2 save my life soo i went on like a 4 hr hunt 4 a payfone but i cuddnt find one which is a big dissapointment that big ass fair and i cudnt find 1 payfone i shudda juss stole sum1's fone fuck it lol but yea we gotta come up witta betta plan cuz tha whole findin each otha process doesnt quite work that well lmao but yea i still had sum fun i went on da skimaster thang and freak out wit my lil bro and he can scream juss like a lil gurl it was 2 funny he had me rollin hard and man i was generous 4 sum reason i was buyin him tickets and food dat fucker wasted like almost all my money lmao he was like i want nachos i was like here i was too busy lookin 4 da color green lol
anywho...earlier 2day i helped sum1 move and man o man wut a fuckin headache it took 6 friggin hrs and its not like he had alotta stuff either if we wudda done it that way me and my dads friend were sayin we wudda ben done in like 2 hrs i swear lmao but nooo tha guy who we were helpin move was a damn stubern fucker and took his sweet ass time and packed all shit in da original boxes and packed it soo rong in da uhaul thang it was funny tho cuz wen he stopped he broke PLENTY SHIT lmao thas wut his ass gets but oh well dat was pretty fun cuz me and my dads friend we ribbin da fuck out him lmao we think hes gay...ok hes a single guy and lives in like this apartment complex thang that is juss packed wit women but he doesnt talk 2 any of em but he sure is friendly wit da guys lmao yea it was crazy anywho thas all dat pretty much happened soo im outty
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