
yay! mcas is finally over! well it was yesterday but i was to lazy to make a new entry. i tried to do good so that i could win a scholarship, i mean 4 years free tuition, pretty sweet deal. so i'm sitting in cad its so cold, in the fifties. for the past couple days it has been so im only semi-warm because i have on my jacket and my sweatshirt. rich is an idiot. lol, just thought i'd add that. hmm not much to say cept that i'm bored, but thats nothing new. guess i'll say adieu for i should finish my math, then do something in cad, 4th quarter paper i believe.
Read 6 comments
*hugs back* thanks
ur sweet. sams(my name is sam too) rock
mcas suk big time,and im sorry about the weather, its in the 80s and 90s down here. we should talk more often but i dont have your # or email.oh and so i dont scary you-its miki- the girl from health class and jess's friend.
yaaaa mcas is the fucking horror of my dreams im so glad its over
yeah mcas sucked. i took them last year. I got the free college thingy too. what'd you think of the essay? last years was pretty easy i think. although i did better in math than english. weirddd
