[16] Mystery To Me

Feeling: chillin


I'm not sure how I felt about today.

On the one hand, I'm proud of myself for working out again. I took an extra day off but I managed to get back into the groove today. So that was good. On the other, lots of annoyances. For one, Linus is still being annoying. He hasn't spoken to me or Michael in the last five days. I don't know what his issue is, but his time is running out. And once he blows this chance with me, he's done for good. No more second chances.

And then there's my friend Scotty. He's a really cool guy and I see a lot of myself in him, but he needs to not be so stubborn and learn to listen. He's a few years younger than I am and I've been there, done that, got the t-shirt. He complains about certain things and I give him advice and he just...thinks his way is better. Like dude! I can help you avoid bullshit. Why don't you take the advice of someone older than yourself? Was I this frustrating at his age?! Don't answer that...I know the answer. Shh.

I didn't know really what I wanted to do today so I just spent most of the day watching Once Upon a Time. I tried playing WoW and made decent progress on my new Hunter but I was more in a writing mood. I have a really fun idea for a new story...so I'm seeing where that takes me. Don't be a writer - your mind is full of stories 24/7 and it's like a mad house in there. It's scary!

Other than that, I just took a nice hot shower to collect my thoughts. I'm now currently cooking dinner. Chicken stir fry - my specialty. I'm hoping to make a bit more progress in this new story before the night is over. We'll see how that goes.

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