A street car named...

Listening to: Linkin park
Feeling: torn
Now if the talking to slef thing didnt make me seem "crazy" i am getting very paranoid...theres been times where in drama i have turned oput all the lights, and cuz its a studio its pitch black, and it feels wierd, like anouther presence...but today...knocking...iwas in there on my own and hear knocking on one of the wood pannels covering the window, i couldnt take it, it was driving me crazy so i went over to it, thinking it was a tree branch but when i got 3 steps close to it, it moved knocking from otherside of room, this went on for 5mins, knock, walk over, would move...i was de-carpiting the 2nd last block (on my own again...sigh) and it started again...but the thing that made me really freak was when i went over toit, the knocking cam from the block i was working on, i mean at first it could have been just wierd wind uccurences outside right?? But no wind inside, and the block was knocking...i got really freaked...the rest of my group thought i was just joking around, but it really rattled me... i mean at first i was having fun, playing it like a game, trying to get 2 it befor it moved, but when the block started...whoa...
Read 14 comments
She came back to the US with a strong English accent and an almost completely different personality. I'd love to visit London but I'd never want to live there.

yeah, it's me. im ugly?
That is really wierd.Hey go check out the pic of Kenny's truck.I don't know if your in to that kind of thing.But it's pretty sweet.

I took a cold shower... it didnt help
That's really creepy. I've never had that happen before but I've had similar creepy experiences. Maybe the others were just creeped out too but didn't wanna say anything...? I don't know.
thats kinda scary. :D
that's rather scary about the knocking and everything... think i would have run out of the room screaming! hehe

yeeea... that's a good idea =) hehe... maybe i can do that on muck-up day... ooooh, the temptation!
haha lols..that made me smile..felt good..something i need to do much often..
I like to walk too but I love that truck. I like old cars to and my motorcycle well all motorcycles:p but I mostly walk. Oh and Kenny said thanx for the comment.

DAMN i would've ran the other way...i promise you that...lol...hey i am a 17/f/ga...u?
awww, good idea *clap claps* i've always wanted a duck... a lil one that quacks... not that you can get any other kind of duck... *ssssh* dumbness...

or batman... how cool would that be!!! ooooh, the ideas forming in my head now of scaring the lil children!
Yea thats really cool...so what do you like to do? jw...i love to sing dance and hang out and have fun.....always lol