Listening to: Nirvana - Something in the way
Feeling: torn
A "friend" of mums birthday today, a surprise party where she works, wasnt too big a deal.
Mum is questioning the whole church thing, her Bf is a strong athiest, she says its because her group doesnt support her, which is tru, they dont, they support a neighboor like 110% more, she gets drunk out of her brain and they are all over there in a shot, mum has mondo stress factors, illness and a car accedent and she might get one text asking if she can go see tracey (the nieghboor) its bull crap
Some kids where kicking a ball agianst our door 2 days ago, bob had a go at them, they did it again and mum had a go, friday when mum was out visiting her Bf they did it again, the second time i caught them and i had a go, third time i stole there ball took it inside and SHREADED IT TO SHIT happy times =D i felt releaved, put up agro gone =P
yes... he was old... and saggy... and a bit fat... and just *ewwwwwww* but i had to drawy him =9