Listening to: Ac/Dc
Feeling: groovy
Ok so went for a B-day meal today, even though it isnt till ummm weds (18th btw) and i had £400 to spend, so i bought a camera usually £300 but it was on special offer down to £150 and that includes usb and TV connections and a printer which rocks, but i had to buy batteries (good ones) and ink and paper etc so it came to £200 which rocks even harder
i also got a new bass, her name is Rosy as in Rosy Red =P after a very good friend of mine, £170 plus a £10 stand and cable
Also thought would put a pic of my true love on here, katey is her name, the 1st of cource, didnt want her feelign left out (all pics taken w/ new cam =D )
And also me with Katey and Rosy
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