La Bamba

Listening to: Little Richard
Feeling: amused
I love Rock 'n' Roll, the old stuff, Lil R, Chuck B mmmmmm ayways, i am in for a long and boring wek, no school sigh, ment to have a revision day @ bio teachers house, but no1 knows the directions which is bad lol *********** Ok, so i have this problem, physically... since birth its like i have pain well everywhere. In all my joints, they are all fucked, constant pain, all the time, also i have a irreguler spinal cord...also major pain source. So what i dont get, myself being like this, is why would people cause pain on themselves?? Totalyl don't get "self harm" cept the shit thats a cry for help, thats obvious why they would do it...but people that do it for fun, what the fuck...??!!
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Hey I like your diary.. its pretty sweeet
hey, you changed your diary!!! i like.
i'm sorry you are in pain. :(. i used to cut for attention, then i grew up. that stuff in lame
i think i need to be thin so i'm more happy with that will ever happen..

i'm really sorry that you're in pain all of the time... it must be awful for you *hugs* was it inherited?

i self harm..i've cut down (excuse the pun) on it,but i definately do not do it for attention...more like i never want my rents to know about it,and it helps me sometimes..but i knew people that did it for fun..they just did it cause others were.....
...i think people that do that are stupid... they have no need to do it... they just want to look "cool"...a bit like smoking.. *sigh* it makes me sad...

hope that you're okies =)

I used to cut when my life was pretty bad. It is still hard not to do it. but I do my best. But the people that think it fun and stuff should be shot.
