
Listening to: Tv
Feeling: hot
My weekend has been shit, well my sunday. Saterday mum gave me some money to take bob to cinema, so i do. Except i, out of kindness, buy food out of my own money. So today he was online for 12 and 1/2 hours and did fuck-all else we had a list of stuff to do from mum to tidy- i have bout 25 things ticked off he has 1 and it was the easiest and takes lik 1 1/2 mins
Read 3 comments
That would piss me off too.

That has to suck. If I lived with my bro and sis and they did that to me I would feed them to the dog lol.

wooooowies... the moon and lil person thing sounds really coolio =D me shall try to do it tomorrow!!! *partay*
