Went to old orleans today aaaand ooooh my goodness thier Nachos were evern better AND chicken yummmmmmmy!!!! The meal was good and the service... only problem i kinda found a rather sizable piece of plastic in my burger, like around 3-4 cm it was like... oook, the waitress walked past and i was all "ummm excuse me but my chicken is a bit plasticy" lol then there was a lil im so sorry thing, but it was no biggy, and they forgot to charge our teas at the end which rocked so i havd a meal a drink and a tea for £5 which at the moment robert paid for, should have been £2 but for some reason i ended up tipping £3 and kris none and matty and robert £1 each as i worked out when i got home lol, it was a fun day gonna put pics up as soon as ready
The gang
Our creation
Our drawings, cuz you are allowed in there =D