New Song Post

I'm writing a song. It's probably as random-listener-friendly as anything I've done, but you'd never know from the lyrics... The way that she talks, The way that she knows what she wants, The way that she says The best of me goes to my head.. The way that she moves Tell me this could be the right girl. Right, nothing special, but the delivery puts everything together. This, unfortunately, is how a lot of popular songs are written these days. I'm happy doing one, though. I want to do this solo for Coffee House. I want to do a lot of things for Coffee House, though. Gotta cut this short. Dinner at the Portabello. My mom and sister are home, as is the newest addition to the family, Buddy The Dog. He's hyper. They're tired. I'm lazy. School started. Forgot to mention that. Woo-hoo... Sean
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