I Once Was Lost...

Listening to: Weezer - O Girlfriend
Feeling: saturnine
I want the solo in that jesus song SO bad, if only because it sounds like something I'd sing in one of my own songs. I'll definitely have tough competition for it, but I'm not nervous singing in front of people like last year, so maybe that will carry an advantage. I got this handy-dandy Current Music feature working, so now in addition to my useless personal comments you can also see that I'm listening to the same Weezer song 90% of the time! This is excused, however, because it's the best song Weezer ever wrote. The dog crapped on my foot during our run today. Always a treat. Bohemian Rhapsody is almost ready. I think I'm going to smash my guitar when we perform this. Give everyone the full experience. Time for homework. Bed was one thing; This girl woke up on the wrong side of the world. Shilanunen Kirshnuner
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