Middle of Somewhere

I'm 3 weeks into my Kentucky vacation, with 3 weeks left to go. Time for an update, non? We got my sister married. I wrote and performed all of the music in the ceremony, and it turned out very nicely, if a little sweaty in the ridiculous heat. New York City was amazing. I stayed for an extra 4 days after everybody left and saw Phantom of the Opera on Broadway, one of the defining moments of my life up to this point. I could have used an extra 10 hours or so in the Metropolitan Museum, but what I saw was quite fantastic. New York is big. Porn is numerous. Food is expensive. I've been waterskiing around the clock, and consequently am incredibly sore around the clock. I bought Reno 911 season 2 to watch during the off-hours. My ex girlfriend got married recently. If I were religious, I'd thank God it wasn't me, but I'm not, so I'm going to thank hot Arizona girls for diverting my attention. I get back July 12. Let's start making plans now, shall we?
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