Happy Half Day

Listening to: Live - Nobody Knows
Feeling: detached
Today was a half day! And I've done absolutely nothing. Wait, I take it back, I got ice cream with Jilly B then went home. I started writing my millionth break-up song. Tonight I am, for the first time in a long time, going to eat dinner with my parents. I sort of need to explain something. For the last month or so, my parents have been seriously talking about getting a divorce. If it seemed like I wasn't talking to you, or just wasn't paying attention, hopefully you didn't take it personally. It was just a rough month. Luckily, I believe things are okay at the moment, and the Kirchheimer family will pull it together. My brother's wedding is in less than two weeks! How crazy is that? Here comes the BEST MAN!!! Time for me to work out so I'm really hungry for Flo's!!!!! Sean
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hey bro. sorry bout your rents...story of my life. give me a ring if you ever wanna chat.
Im sorry about your Parents, sean.. IM always here if you need to talk to someone..

your wife!