
Feeling: good
Some words- the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution- are simply so profound that I'll never be able to remember them. I've had a revelation in the last few minutes, possibly a step in the right direction musically. I write as though I'm always writing choruses. That's bad. In another step in the right direction, I have a new girlfriend. Her name is Liz and she's great. I told the last girl about her tonight. She was very upset, and I was equally surprised at this. That situation came as a result of a breakdown in communication, and if it was a mistake it certainly wasn't mine. I wrote a little blurb about my feelings: Whatever it cost, in the end, was lost anyway. A million to one said you’d had all your fun and were gone. Your varied positions, your wars of attrition, Through words and the lack thereof, have left me tired, Although her arms have found me strong. And with that, it's time for bed. The weekend has passed me by already. Where did it go? I guess I'll find that out tomorrow, which, to clarify, is today. With love, and a healthy sense of optimism, Sean
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