Song Five

Song Five (A Work in Progress) There’s a girl that I met That I’ll never forget, And she loves when I play my guitar. She says I sound just like Other bands that she likes And she calls me her little rock star. She stands over my shoulder When I write my songs, Always saying she likes what she sees, And she knows every verse, Memorizes the words, Knows my melodies better than me. She says “This is love,” And I thought it was, As I signed her copy Of my old B-Sides. Too late I realize She’s only fallen for song five. There’s too much motion in my life. Love is spoken in white lies. I cleaned, I cooked dinner, Set up, prepared flowers; The loveliest evening A romance has seen. I turned down the lights, I poured wine, I lit candles. She said, “Can’t you just Name a song after me?” Too late I realize All she ever really loved was song five. There's too much motion in my life. Love is spoken in white lies. There’s a girl that I met That I’ll never forget, Though I’m sure that to her I am dead, And she’s well on her way, Touring all the states, Making love to more-musical men, I bet I’ll look back, With each sorrowful track, On her ungrateful heart full of lead, Knowing well that she's gone, But I’ll always live on As a tune that gets stuck in her head.
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