
This is, I promise, the last you will hear of anything pertaining to Broadjam, and I honestly didn't want to say this much, but a little investigation has uncovered some new and exciting ways to misspell my name. Just when I thought I'd seen it all, I discovered that if you click on the song titles, you'll see a list of credits. The guitar on four of the tracks is attributed to a gentleman named Shawn Kerscheimmer. Also, Shawn Kirchheimmer (this one was close) put down the licks for Deliberate. I've always been haunted by a difficult-to-spell last name and an easy-to-confuse first name, so it should come as no surprise that the title of STK was something of a breath of fresh air for everyone. And coffee house will be seeing plenty of it. I've got a huge list of songs already that I'll be playing or playing on, and I'm hoping it grows. Senior year, time to bust out. World, get ready for The Island Song and January. Econ projects aren't fun, and I'm sure a lot of people will agree with me. Luckily that class is easy. Math, on the other my ass. I am happy to say, however, that I have A's in everything else. Is it just me, or have my entries become random spouts of useless information? I guess that's what journals are for, but I want to write interesting-like. Ah well. In any case, I'm headed out. Wendy's and Mario Tennis, anyone? Sean
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yay january song