Drew-you mean so much to me.yes weve had ups and downs. but weve always been there for each other no matter what. thanks so much!. i love you! *4-21-03*
Vanessa-my best friend, my other sister!, gurl.. you have ALWAYS been there for me!. no matter what!. thanx for the goodtimes.. and more!. im going to miss you when we graduate in 06'!! cuz were gonna be soo grown up and on our own!. but just remember even if we dont see each other as much U WILL ALWAYS BE MY best/ friend! love you girl!!!
Jena- im really gald weve been talking.. and im glad i can have someone esle to relate to. youve been soo nice to me these past months.. thanks for always helping me with my problems, dont change and just be yourself.. you are too an awsome person!
Joey- i know that we havent talked alot but.. call or somthing.. maybe we can
Michale- MY BUDDY! michale just think.. we could be going to college together! lol. im soo happy were friends.. what would i do with out ya! u always be a big brother to me and a really good friend! thanks!!