Okay.. first off mexico was a blast! okay saturday we got there..and all we did was eat and lay out. then went to "senor frogs" and got dinner. i had this "valcano" drink it had rum and every hard liquor you could think of. lol. good. then we just went to the hotel and went to bed.
Sunday didnt do much.. we just started planning everything for the week.
Monday.. we layed out.. at ASWEOME hotel.. (ill have pics on my myspace). then we went on a ship..with like 250 people or more..who all got wasted by the time night fall hit. too bad we didnt stay long because my mom got sea sick. so we left.
Tuesday we all went 4wheele riding up the mountains and it was so pretty to see everything. BUT i fell off my 4wheeler and got brusied and everything esle on my legs. other than that it was really fun.
wed. shopping.
ALL AROUND.. mexico was a blast!
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