Terrific isolation

One of the best things about going to university.... is that one can choose to become just another face in the crowd if one so desires. Coincidentally i was struck by a (quite possibly insane) urge to do this today and spent a gripping 45minutes browsing the uni bookshop. Its massively unfortunate that they don't serve coffee *sigh. I would have spent all afternoon in there. Books and coffee are meant for each other. Wendy and kat broke my splendid isolation by insisting i go next door with them to spice traders - something i dont regret..... as a $10 meal of butter chicken, rice, and naam bread is value for money!! Anyway thats all that really happend today, nothing particularly exciting ill admit but meh. Its not as if im forcing you to read this. I have a POLS test on wed worth 20% of my final grade that i really should be studying for, and an econs project i need to worry about.... oh God and a stats assignment. I predict that i will be spending the next couple of nights not sleeping. stats McSucks. yar.
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" Im just a sweet transvestite from Transexual Transalvania!" Dammit Jannet!
lol it most certainly is rocky horror! ya
see, no one ever believes me when i say that i feel the most alone/isolated in a huge crowd, be it good or bad.
i'm glad someone else gets it.