
tisn't often that i get excited about things... at least not visibly excited. But just recently i seem to have a plenty of things that i'm looking forward to. Firstly there's my summer course which starts next week, diplomacy and europe or some such thing, and my entire new major subject which i start next year. Then there's the prospect of joining CUTC as well (which is something i'm kicking myself for not doing this year) and buying a set of my own skiis. I'm also on the brink of learning myself a new musical instrument just to keep myself occupied over the summer. People who think i'm dull just aren't looking carefully enough is all.
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ahhh! I don't know which site to comment on!
You are not dull. Everybody's got their moments, and some just are permanently dull...and if you were one of them I wouldn't be your friend! Ha! =P