Oh Anger

Listening to: none
Feeling: angry
Ok, so it has recently come to my attention that this sitdiary is being watched by my parents... for whatever reason... so, this shall only be used for updates of goings on, rather than my rants etc etc.... I hope this isn't bothersome to you... I will probably make one that is visible to friends only to prevent this from happening again... and I will give my current friends list the link to that.... Anywho.... So, this one is for people I send the link to who do not have a sitdiary and therefore cannot be on my friends list, so it's essentially just basic updates of the life of Molly. That's about it. PS. I'm very angered that I have no privacy and my parents feel the need to crawl up my ass continuously. Let it be known that this puts me in a very bad mood to find this out, and you shall be feeling my wrath shortly. PS. I would really very much appreciate it if you would get off my case and leave me alone. There, my last rant. I hope you like it.
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Wait... who's parents?