I'm trapped in a nightmare
Waiting for a way out
I look into the s.h.a.t.t.e.r.e.d. mirror
Hating e v e r y t h i n g looking back
Why must I be so imperfect
I only want to feel b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l.
Or is it true that I'm a damn mistake
I'm fading away from everyone, and everything
There's so much pain behind my sparkling eyes
So many things remain concealed
....things you'll never know
So I'll put on a smile, and act like everything is fine
The candle is burning away now
Just like my soul and heart have
...if only someone knew...
I hate waking up to another day of pain
As the knife slowly falls to the floor
These thoughts control my mind
My life is almost taken
My soul will soon be free
This is my suicidal dream
Once you're in it, there's [no] way of getting out
So, let me die in my sleep
...I gave it my all, now it's my time to go...
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