damn it

Listening to: underminded
GOSH DARN IT! I can't get mad at herrrrrrr. UGH! I feel soooo baddddd. I was totalllyyyyy mad, and then I can't be because I know she has shit to do and that she does have other friends, and it's cool if she doesn't like seeing me everyday. So w/e. Life moves on. I thinkkkkk... MOVIE NIGHT SOON! YEAH! I had a game today, I had to play J.V. again.... ooh well I kicked ass, 3 goals and I drew a fatty ass 4 meter and nailed it. Dude fuck Matt B. he's such a dick to me. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK SHE DIDN'T TELLLLLL MEEEEEE AND SHE'S MAD CUZ ME AND JORDI TALKED AT LUNCH AND I SAID WE'D TALK ABOUT IT LATER AND THE STUPID ASS BABY WAS CRYING AND HER GAY ASS BROTHER WAS TALKING SHIT AND I CAN FUCKING HEAR HIM, IF HE DOESN'T LIKE ME LET ME NOW SO I CAN FUCK WITH HIM TOO STUPID PRICK. GOD FUCKING DAMN IT. GARRETTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT WE NEED TO CHILL THIS WEEKEND, AND WE HAVE FOUR DAYS TO DO IT SO YEAH WERE DOING IT. Goshhhhhh why wont shit work.......
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I'm up for it.

Talk to Mike about it tomorrow (wednesday) and see if he's cool about it too.