Find Out

I was hoping that I wouldn't have to "find out". I was hoping we could be friends, like the times you broke up with me, but I guess that's not how it's going to be or what? I honestly thought that afterwords, we could be really good friends, but instead it's changed into this I hear stuff about your life, and how since I'm not in it it's gotten better, how you're different now. I guess that we wont talk now face to face. Which is understandable, i don't give you the feelings that you want, and so I'm not worth the time, that how I thought that i was somethin special to you, but I guess, judging by our absence of friendship, that I'm replacable. I will never be able to replace the feeling that I got from you, I will never be able to replace you, but I will be able to find DIFFERENT love, not the same as what we had, but something new, a new feeling, a variation of love. A love that could eventually, if necessary, become friendship. That kind of stuff happens.
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by "find out" i meant me telling you face to face. but i never see you. i call, you're not home, you don't call back. and from you ignoring me the last 2 weeks of our relationship, i got the feeling you were getting kind of tired of me. plus there's the whole you and erica thing, which started while we were still going out. granted, you were GOING to break up with me but just hadn't yet, so i guess that doesn't count. and don't say
that you were never special to me, you know that's not true. You were my first love, and I'll never forget that. You wont and haven't been replaced, that's impossible. It's just DIFFERENT. And I WANT to be friends, but you never really told me what was going on you just kinda broke it off. I can't read your mind you know.