*160* halloween!

Feeling: happy
So Halloween was VERY interesting. I had the feeling that it was going to be TERRIBLE, bit it turned out rad. I started with Calvin and that posse and headed to Ryan's house, and that was ok. It was a little boring, more of a kickback than anything else. so we headed to some chicks house for a real party, but I didn't even know her. This fool Matt was there though, so that was dope. He is like the coolest mother fucker EVER. Me, Justin, Mackenzie, and Alex got hella bored tho, so we fucking stole Kate's car, and rolled out. Me and Justin got changed, and decided to hook up with Nicole and that group. Justin didn't know them, but he is a funny kid, and they're an exciting bunch of girls, so he was fine. We went to another kickback, then 2 real parties, and one was out of control. Like insane. Nicole was super drunk, and had no personal bubbles anymore. She got up close a few too many times. Janalee was soberish, we'll get to her. Lindsay was drunk, and had like a mental breakdown around midnight, and called her mom. It was really sad, but apparently I fucking rock. Mary makes out with everyone, so that was fun. When Nicole gets drunk, I guess she likes to run around, steal shit, and talk to strangers, we had to refind her like 10 times. We ended up seeing a lot of people around too. Apparently I know I SHIT-TON of people. So I kept like keeping the group together, and keeping them out of trouble. Basically by the end, I was carrying Lindsay, holding Janalee's hand, and keeping an eye on Mary who was holding Nicole's hand. By this time Justin boned out cuz he was tired, but I am pretty sure he had fun. So before I was just holding everyone to keep them together, buth Janalee was sober. So I was like huh, we are just holding hands. Actually it started before that. I always thought she was attractive, cute hair and lips and everything about. what like GOT me though, was she just grabbed my hand all "lace finger" style and was all, "this is happening". Her confidence and humor got me I think. So we were just holding hands all night. Then we got back, and watched part of a movie our friend's dad directed, but everyone went to sleep so we changed it to win a date with tad hamilton. At first she was sitting far away, but then lied down near my feet, then sat between my legs, then we held hands over her shoulder. I was like fuck what is happening. Then, since everyone was asleep, we moved tot he couch, and were just touching and chillin. Then the movie ended, and we just talked for a few hours, which rocked. I had such a great night, even though I was exhausted from walking form party to party. Like miles worth, after I ran with Mike. Then she hits me up to watch a movie today, and we hung out more. blah blah blah, eventually we kissed, and it was rad. I felt like I was coming off like I liked her too much, but I think I really do. I liked the other girls, but not really if that makes sense. I think I could really fall for this girl, but we'll see. She knows how I've been doing with girls lately though, because I tell that group of girls everything. I gues sit makes sense, but whatever. She is sort of dating another guy though too. Like I'm not pissed or worried, but if she doesn't stop soon I'm out. I don't do nonexclusive shit, even if we ARE just dating. Even if we aren't anything, I don't want who I'm kissing, kissing other people. She knows that, so we'll see. She is interesting and funny, and cute and nice and smart. I think she likes me too. I can make her laugh legitimately, which is fun. Not like, "Oh I burned that guy and it was funny" but I can be for real funny. For once she makes me laugh a little too. AND SHE LIKES BASEBALL! We watched the game today, AND SHE CHOSE IT! I hate football though, and she likes it. I guess she is gonna teach me about it though. Huh. Trash flavored trash equals trash flavored trash. Also! 3 of my residents stole all of my clothes, and dressed up as me for Halloween. One was SO GOOD, that from behind, I'd think he was me even. I was wondering where the fuck all my clothes went. I also stole my resident's blue hoodie. I like it. My ears are slightly stretched, sorry ma. Not a lot though, just a wee bit. I talked a lot about that girl. I can't stop thinking about it though. I haven't updated in a while, I still have a lot to write. Kate came up, it was dope. I have some sweet pictures from this weekend, I'll put them on tumblr. I saw Mansell too, weird. His girlfriend is a little but ugger. Sad. This will be my first Thanksgiving EVER, that I won't see my family. I decided that as much as I miss everyone, that I would like to have my first college vacation. So me and Calvin are hitching a ride with Ryan to Sac, then Kate will pick us up and we'll go to UC Davis for a week, and chill. I know my parents are going to be sad, but I still haven't had a real break yet, or a real road trip. Plus I don't think I'd enjoy seeing Jordan, how things are now. I would LOVE to see her, but I KNOW it would just complicate things. I miss Brandon though, and Peter, and Daniel. And everyone I guess. I've been thinking about Peter a lot lately. I should text him more. OMFG yankees better not win, or I won't hear the end from him. So shitty lol, 3 games to 1. Phillies what are you doing to me!?!?! I don't need sleep, but I want it.
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Did it turn out great?
Mine tasted lovely, but the white sauce me & my firend made, got us both ill the next day :(