*99* OH MANG!

Feeling: i have to pee
I'm a good boyfriend. I aint bad. I'm a pretty good dude, in regards to SWEET ASS SURPRISES! So I'm watching the Oral Arguments for the Prop 8 Legal Challenge. Its pretty gnarly, but surprisingly laid back. It gets very serious, obviously, but there have been jokes and puns and shit. Plus, the dude who is arguing against Prop 8 is kind of studdery. Her did great, but was studdery at parts. Ohh, the new chick is doing good though. I'm watching it live so my sentences might change quickly. One of the judges is a twat. Straight up knob. I think someone who is smarter, and a dick, is telling her what to say on a screen. God shes still being a twat. STILL. The other judge who has spoken a bit is a very nice, and lovely woman though. Not overbearing and knobish, but specific, polite, and tot he point. The male judge who has spoken the most is also pretty cool. Its weird, you can just feel that every person in there has a bias and personnel opinion. So other topics, my essay was ok. I talked to my professor about it, and I know what I have to do to make it better. She is my favorite professor by far. FUCKING TWAT stop interrupting her. So the essay has a few basic problems, and I need to change muh thesis. It was funny too, cuz one of the peer reviewers made me feel brilliant. Her typed out response was better articulated than my essay pahaha. Thank God it was a rough draft. I feel bad though, because I didn't put that much effort into her's. Thats what she gets for going three pages over the limit. Ok I'm gonna watch this. If anyone else does,it goes until 12pm. http://www.eqca.org/site/pp.asp?c=kuLRJ9MRKrH&b=4026385 Pce
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