Not gonna

Listening to: 7 seconds
Feeling: fulfilled
So pretty much, me and peter and brandon kick ass. We gave him his gifts, and, I'm not goona type all that shit, because it's that incredibly badass. WOW. It was so rad and he was way excited. Then we skated like men, ROLLER SKATED. Yup yup. I'm not gonna incorperate what I learn in Englis into my life. So many people, are taking the classes interpretations of the book into their like favorites in life. They would never have known half then things unless w went over it. AP style yall. But still, I can't enjoy it unless I figure it out myself, and I didn't like the reat Gatsby either way, so F that. So now, we have started the band. Brandon has his bass, I'm using pete's drums till I can afford my own, and peters peter lol. Apex Theory. Don't check us pit on myspace, cuz we won't be there ;)
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