*81* coming this week

Listening to: The Decemberists
So I got two c's on two papers. One was a real paper and I got a c+, but I didn't put much time into it so I got what I deserved. She was a little harsh though. Like I got a name wrong and the world came crashing down or something. Then the other I got a c-, but I totally deserved worse. I didn't read the materials, but it wasn't even a real paper, it was like a partner thing, so whatever. So this Friday or Saturday is a protest at City Halls around the U.S. against Prop 8's outcome. I'm pretty excited. I hope a lot of people show up, which I think will happen, I live in Humboldt county. So I went to PACURH last weekend. It was actually a lot of fun, except the people I went with succkkk. So Calvin. He is hard to explain. Imagine if you will, every Chinese stereotype and make it worse, roll it into one, and you have Calvin. Short, bowl cut, acne issues, badish teeth, short, plays the violin (not really to the point, but interesting), and love communism. Not even joking, his international student friends smuggled him in a legit communist uniform, and he wore it for Halloween, and his Screen name is like Communist boy 01 or something. Now for the worst part. He has the most disgusting huge lips, in combination with the worst facial hair I have ever seen. I don't know if most females can understand, but guys aren't born with full beards, we keep shaving it until it comes in full. He doesn't, but still wants a mustache. Its like years and years of peach fuzz turned darkish. So its all thin and dark and gross. Then his "goatee", which is really hard for me to call that, is SO GROSS. Its even thinner, but has like, literally SIX long ass dark hairs. I gagged typing that. So the point of this description. PACURH is a Residents Hall Association convention. So 9 of us went as delegates. Only three of us were boys, so we got a room to us plus 1 guy from a different school. So we took turns taking the beds for sleep but the 4th guy never stayed there. So on the last night Calvin got voted for the four, but bitched so James, being a nice guy, took the floor. We went to bed before Calvin as well. So at 3 in the morning Calvin wakes me up, which is a terrible experience in itself, saying the guy came back. So I'm like "That's fucking great get away from me and let me sleep ass dick". I was sleepy alright? So I fall sleep real quick. Then when I was awoken again at 4, I realized that he woke me up to tell me he was getting in bed with me. SO when I woke up at four and rolled over, his ugly face was 3 inches from mine. I almost threw up. Worst night ever. Hes gross and lispy and ew ew ew. It was terrible. He got UNDER the covers with me. It would have been fine if A)I got a little warning, and B)IT WAS ANYONE ELSE. So thats my weekend. Plus as I did a cheer on stage in front of 400-500 people, I spelled Pacurh without an 'H', and it was funny but embarrassing. Ok I got shit to do. PCE
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