everybody hurts

Some of the greatest song lyrics ever written. Everybody Hurts, by REM. I can't read these, 'cause i'll cry in class, and that's just... wierd. Yeah, i'm feeling pathetically fragile right now.

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not you know mabey things can be straightened out, mabey if we could explain ourselves then it would be better or who knows and arent we just overly dramatic anyway. its all so draining and its true everybody hurts but why would you be ashamed and not think i would understand? that is a knife.
disregard my comment on lucys diary...was written earlier...my fingers can be BAD.
i can have harsh words sometimes, but i would have understood, i would have because im a loyal friend and will always make myself understand and even with girls you know i will eventually say lets be friends and that is forgivness too you know. i would have understood and thought more of you than you knew i guess and mabey thats what hurt the most, i thought, hey he takes the time to really try to KNOW and that makes things feel better.
oh its all okay now, and lucy is great and i think you underestimated her she can be told just about anything and she wont throw you away, ive only know her a little while and ive figured this out, shes accepting and a good person and i dont deserve her as a friend cause im a fucking bitch from hell sometimes, and that ragdoll girl i dont know but she had a pic once that i liked and she has interesting thoughts, and me, well i can understand caus
oh and you can confide anything in me, but im not gonna tell you what you want to hear, i might tell you to get off your ass boy, so if you dont want to hear it you might confide in someone more safe in those moments, but friends are like that, you know which one to go to for which reason and that is the beautiful thing.
yeah, ha ha well, i really wont let someone detatch if i dont want them too, i will annoy you back eventually. i like being attached and we will continue our love/hate relationship and im sure that we will fight again because we are too alike to not, and my ego is to big to put up with even the tiniest bullshit but i know we understand each other a little better now so thats good.
said, oh how great chris isnt at his mr. smiley anymore.
well, no one would have wanted you to feel obligated and thats another thing actually the first thing that sent me over the edge was that god forsaken word, i hate that and i dont care if it was written with me in mind or not it included me too because i wasnt included in boy, but its better not to be on the internet anyway and i dont know if stareing at the ceiling is the best alternative but mabey look out the window or something. i would have
without it but it just felt like being thrown away.
yeah, but why did you tell some people? some people were invited. and even now if we are getting along i still will never step foot there in the light, you know, i never will go where im not invited in the first place and lucy probably felt a little ashamed playing cat to your mouse and i felt bad for her because i knew it wasnt hide and seek and felt bad. if it was only meant to be kept from her then why didnt you tell me, not that i wont live
do i normally not talk properly? i didnt realize, and am i verbally violent, probably that is a flaw mabey, so im sorry youre feeling the way you are and you should only think good things about yourself, i dont understand not likeing yourself.
Have you made what so?
Made me lose what?
What things come true?
im not exactly sure, i was on a cloud when i wrote it but it was still true pure feeling and i thought of you, in a moment of my life with my true love and i thought of you and how powerful and amazing that we are all real people with lives that we can cross over into each others.
did I make you run away probably
did i make that so?
write such things? what such things and ill tell you why
I can never decide whether I hate that song or like that song.

a knife was twisted in my side and i hardly know you, i am full of feeling and it falls over and out too much and makes people sick thats all, so i have to make myself calm and say just forget it all, if i feel ignored or not welcome or whatever ill just say fuck you or ill break your finger or whatever, you know, i dont know you to break your finger. thats all. i cant be afraid to be honest and if this is how it must end then it must but mabey
yeah, i just know what i know, but then later i said mabey i dont even know that cause what that person suggested and that could very well be true you know i could be so self-absorbed that i think there is injury when none has been done, it could be my own little mental disorder and everyone wants to be that special, because of all of this can you imagine if i feel ignored??? can you imagine what i would feel, teeth and all yeah, i did feel like
""""have I made this so, if i have then i will quit and never write another word, if i have made you lose?""""
that was a thought that floated through my mind then and things come true when you think about them,, did I make it so?
what? what have i done to be a bitch now? the comments or my entry? i said, i want to know what i had done in the first place, so that is what i asked and i said mabey it was ME in MY head, what is bitch about that? my entry is more about a month that somehow got mixed up with you, days and obstacles personified and its all so draining, everything should be cleared up.
alright i totally knew that "boy" was your diary too! i just didnt want to ask! but i feel special cause i could tell...and yes everybody hurts is a really good song to listen to when its raining and all is sad
i miss you, i dont know how or why...i just do
you either love REM or hate them, i personaly am in love
and my teeth shake at the injustice that i felt done to me, and do you even know? oh well, you know someone called me a megalomaniac and this could be very true, the injury could have been done nowhere but in my own self-possesed mind.
in shadows hoping for a boy to throw me a speck of light. i wont and i will eventually move on because i do find myself and my frame of mind amazingly important to ME, i would like to know what it is and what i have done to make you want to hide and i know and you know i know and you cant bullshit me either i am one who can see, did you think me blind, dear boy? i knew [bitch] i did the second and it made my insides join together ready to attack
hmm, okay weak? why weak and why is that so bad, isnt weakness a strength because its human and thats what we all are. you have to be strong to show weakness and i am weak and that is why i was so hurt and thats what i was, my ego was hurt and you avoid me but leave little messages (cryptic to everyone else but i can read between under and through lines) but not on my diary, i dont take kindly to being ignored and i wont be left to crawl around
I wish I could talk to you.
Why are you feeling fragile?