BratGurlRocks: my dad said be home before five

i like speeding on my way home from the beach. i'm never driving my car, it's always someone else's. only slightly worried about crashing and killing the passengers. i like speeding. i'm in this self destructive mood that cant be good. not like, self mutalation, but like i dont care what happens. i'm anxious and wondering about nothing and everything. i'm eating doritos and drinking orange juice. i was sitting on the beach earlier, it was dark, night, and it was lovely. i like it a lot more away from the bon fires and sitting with only one other person. i was sitting with three other people and they had their cell phones, with cell phone screen light breaking the darkness. it bothered me slightly. i'll go back one night and sit there with one other person. and we can talk. but we dont have to, because i can sit still and listen to you, or i can sit still and no one has to speak at all. we can listen to the waves breaking and our eyes will adjust to the darkness and it will be lovely. yes it will. but right now i feel like i'm waiting for something but nothing is coming and i'm not tired and i'm just here...
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I picture your writing in my head. Bonfires and all. Like a movie. Its good. I'm not a family boy so my family being strangers to me is good. I'd like to have a life filled with people I dont have history with. I'm getting this thought that your book is going to be incredible better than my measly writing. I have thoughts, but their all in my head and/or in IM convos that are lost. I guess you could say that my poesongs are thoughts. You'll see.
yea shitty about mitch. pukeworm is more of a nick name than a phrase or something. yes yours is nice too and i hope i get to all the concerts tooo.
My AIM- Va8706.