Feeling: alright
my cute dog is laying next to me, all sprawled out and probably snoring but i can't hear him becasue i always have my music too loud but that's because the more i listen to it the more i lose my hearing so the louder i turn it up to hear it. i'm kind of stupid. just a little bit. haha so i watched my dad slide and hit his face on a rock this morning. it was like in slow motion, because i was slipping and sliding and finally, at the perfect time, fell on his stomach and slid the rest of the way, cracking his face on the rock. it was really sad. he was running to give me my lunch money. ): but he's okay, just some tiny scratches on his face, and his wrist hurts. the thing that just bothers me -- the dog just stretched; he's just so adorable -- is that if the same thing had happened in a dream of mine, he probably would have died. and those kind of dreams just bother me for a couple days, mabye even a week or two. i have really weird dreams that bother me more than they should. like, it could be completely out-of-this-world and just scare me a little but it'll keep me up at night and make me feel weird. i can't even explain it. so then i told him that, and we had a short discussion on dreams. he's lucky because when he has weird/bad dreams and wakes up, he's all relieved but i never am. i've always got that weird feeling. :/ so there's nick, and there's jake and they're both amazing in different ways i see nick practically daily i dont even speak to jake for a couple days at a time. its been a week or two since i've heard his voice. i don't know what to do. (the dog stretched again. adorable.) i'm getting sort of sick of skinny jeans; they don't move and make me seem even taller. they're cute on short girls with thicker legs than i have, not super skinny legs. oh well. i guess i'm pretty excited to go to new zealand, but i'm having mixed emotions. it's easy for my sister, since she doesn't have very many friends here and they're all mostly in new zealand. for me, though, i feel like i'm just going to miss so much this summer. i just barely made all these amazing friends who make me so happy to be around and i feel like we won't be as close next year and there's no way in hell i want that to happen. but also, i haven't been in that country in three or four years now. i miss it, lots. i wish i wasn't missing half my summer for winter, though. i mean, i wish i could go to the beach at least. but hey, friends. reunions. catching up. i've been waiting for this.
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