Listening to: duality [bayside]
Feeling: abandoned
today was actually really fun. school was, well... school. kind of a sucky school day to be totally honest. i hate how tall i am. but then mitch (being that total sweetheart that he is) took kaden and me to my house, and hilary to hers, when he lives in the opposite direction. what a sweet heart. anyway, so kaden and i get to my house and we do our biology assignment; and it takes us ages to figure out the one problem we missed. we had a huge case of the giggles it wasn't even funny. actually, yeah it was. i nearly choked on a skittle, and then so did he. it was way fun. he kept laughing which would set me off and then we'd just get going again. to calm him down, i played my guitar a little and that seemed to do the trick. after that, we went down to the kitchen and made brownies. rather, i made the brownies while he talked to me. not that it was really difficult, since it was just from a packet. there really wasn't anything he could have done since i did it all within five minutes. i don't know why i'm doing this to myself. this wallowing in memories of the best time of my life; it's not healthy. i haven't heard anything from him in at least a month; shouldn't it already have been enough time? i drive myself mad sometimes. nothing's improved on the roo front; if anything, it's waned. we can be doing good and i'll be thinking we're heading in a good direction, when something happens and we take three steps back for every one step forward. but i know i will not be able to let myself give up. maybe i should learn to be less stubborn.
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