Feeling: happy
so school was pretty boring. but still fun. whitney katie and i spent all of fifth hour just running around school, because mr. gillespie sent us on a scavenger hunt while he reviewed with the first year french students. that is, until katie left us to go do god knows what with brandon. haha, me and whitney kept running back and forth to see if they were making out, but then they weren't, and finally they walked away, so we assumed they were. except i don't think they were. so i ride that stupid bus home, and then i was talking to colty on msn, and we randomly decided he would bring all these junk food to my house and i would provide the dr. pepper and a blanket and we would have a picnic on my front lawn. so we did. it was pretty epic and way fun, that boy is really fun to hang out with. i see a best friendship in the near future. after a while, it was getting really dark, and it was starting to snow pretty bad, so we just went inside and into the basement where we turned on the fire and chatted about random things. finally he realized he should go pick up his brother from tennis, and so i walked him to the door, said bye and thanked him for the awesome picnic, and went back to my room to get on this freaking laptop. i need more of a life. haha. GOD DAMNIT ROO. MAKE UP YOUR FUCKING MIND. :(
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