Listening to: i\'ll run [the cab]
Feeling: eager
i'm feeling pretty good. i worked for a good four hours this morning, although i didn't get too much done. good thing john, god bless him, isn't in too much of a hurry. he's a good boss. kate's gonna be here in about an hour, and we're gonna hang out a little before we go to the show tonight at around 7:30. it'll be four bucks. i'm pretty excited. today's jake's birthday. i really want to call or text him and tell him happy birthday but of course his phone is shut off or something, and he doesn't go on myspace very much. yes, those are the only ways i have of contacting him. my coat came today! that's exciting. it's cute; a little big waist-wise but the arms are just the right length and it'll be good for layering and such. the hoodie my dad ordered my sister and i hasn't arrived yet; he thinks it'll get here around monday. my packages have yet to arrive as well so it will probably come around the same time. edit;; so kate came over, and were chilling and stuff, when kaden calls and is like oh wanna chill? so i'm like okay, and he brings over his cousin, whitney, and tony. haha, it was so random. so we're all chilling in my room jamming and just chilling out and watching tv and listening to music. then kaden is like oh let's take harley to the show too, so kye and kaden and kate all go get harley. after they come back, we get pizza, and then we all head out. i swear we were gonna die. xD it was so crazy. kaden and tony were like freaking out at each other, and harley and whitney were just being weird in the back seat. it was crazy. the show itself was an adventure. i bought an Xavier shirt, so yeah. extra good :) then the up collars played and they were not bad, all their songs were strung into one though, so it got a little monotonous. all these stoned kids from my school were there but they kept leaving to go get even more high... it was pretty pathetic. all they did was sit on the side and then go out and get more high. it reaked of smoke in there. finally this other band played, and they didn't really sing, just played music. it was way good though, i was digging their style. all in all, my night was great. after the show ended i messed around with cort and we were just talking to random kids from random bands like lakin and dan and then we talked to emily for a bit. i had fun.
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